Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Coolest Thing Since Legos and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

I read this article yesterday in Business 2.0 and was amazed at the way our world can become so much simpler. I have always thought putting money in a parking meter, finding music online and using a homepage to search the Internet were fairly simple tasks, but they are about to be even easier.

The one disruptive technology that I immediately decided to check out was I haven't stopped playing since (I mean finding new things online is my job right?) But seriously this site is completely customizable and I haven't found something that is impossible yet. This start page is also at the forefront for displaying and participating in user generated content. "Krim also is taking full advantage of the move to user-generated content, and devoted Netvibers are at the heart of the site's growth and development"

One downfall at least for my industry is that there are no typical web ads. "Prizing customer loyalty as a means to growth, Netvibes is instead working with partners that offer sponsored services. A mobile-phone company, for example, can offer free SMS in order to get a branding buzz." Could this be big trouble for the small online advertising firm? Or will Web 2.0 open more doors?

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